3GP Converter 2011 is a program that can convert any video file to the 3GP format.
The most widely used format for playing videos in mobile phones is 3GP. By using this program you will be able to make any video file that you have saved in your disk to this popular format.
This program can also convert your files to the MPEG, FLV and MP4 formats. That will allow you to play your video files in other mobile phones, portable devices and computers.
After choosing the file you want to convert, the program will display the data about the chosen file (length, file format, size, etc.). Then you can choose the desired output format, the video codec, size, aspect, frames per second, and bitrate. And the audio codec, sampling frequency, bitrate and channels. You can also let the program configure the computer to perform the conversion in high, medium or light quality.
The demo version of 3GP Converter 2011 will have the following limitation: it will just convert 50% of each file. The program will not place any watermark on the videos.